The objective of this blog is to post images and news, that are published at other websites, that are concerned about the conditions of our the world oceans. It is also an english version SOS OCEANOS.We also write and publish relevant information and photographs of our region whenever is necessary people to know.

segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010
Oil spill puts commercially significant cold-water reefs in peril
ScienceDaily (2010-06-06) -- Thousands of barrels of oil are leaking out of the Deepwater Horizon site each day. The oil ascends from depths of approximately 1502 m. (4928 ft.), but not all of it reaches the sea surface. The stratified seawater of the Gulf of Mexico captures or slows the ascent of the oil, and the addition of dispersants near the oil source produces tiny droplets that float for a considerable time in the water column and may never reach the surface. According to a group of Florida researchers, the oil that remains in suspension in the water column and creates plumes poses a serious risk for the planktonic and benthic (sea floor) life throughout the region, including the deep-sea reefs they study.
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