quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

Can clouds help mitigate global warming? Missing links found in biology of cloud formation over oceans

ScienceDaily (2011-05-11) -- A new study brings the possibility of using the sulfur cycle to mitigate global warming closer with the identification of the steps in the biochemical pathway that controls how bacteria release the sulfur compound methanethiol, or MeSH, into the microbial food web in the oceans and the genes responsible for that process.

A formação de nuvens sobre os oceanos tem ligação direta com os processos biológicos da cadeia alimentar (produção primária)a qual influencia também o clima global.

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Ocean Acidification: Carbon Dioxide Makes Life Difficult for Algae

ScienceDaily (2011-05-10) -- The acidification of the world's oceans could have major consequences for the marine environment. New research shows that coccoliths, which are an important part of the marine environment, dissolve when seawater acidifies.
Full text at this link!

Ocean Acidification Booklet

Genome of marine organism reveals hidden secrets; New methods to identify promising species in the wild

ScienceDaily (2011-05-09) -- An international team of researchers has deciphered the genome of a tropical marine organism known to produce substances potentially useful against human diseases.