sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2010

What triggers mass extinctions? Study shows how invasive species stop new life

The ocean in Devonian times. A study of the collapse of Earth's marine life 378 to 375 million years ago suggests that the planet's current ecosystems, which are struggling with biodiversity loss, could meet a similar fate. (Credit: University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology)

ScienceDaily (2010-12-31) -- An influx of invasive species can stop the dominant natural process of new species formation and trigger mass extinction events, according to new research. The study of the collapse of Earth's marine life 378 to 375 million years ago suggests that the planet's current ecosystems, which are struggling with biodiversity loss, could meet a similar fate.

sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2010

Growing hypoxic zones reduce habitat for billfish and tuna

Samples of surface skin slime are taken
from the Atlantic sailfish to determine gender. (Credit: NOAA)

ScienceDaily (2010-12-23) -- Billfish and tuna, important commercial and recreational fish species, may be more vulnerable to fishing pressure because of shrinking habitat, according to a new study. An expanding zone of low oxygen, known as a hypoxic zone, in the Atlantic Ocean is encroaching upon these species' preferred oxygen-abundant habitat, forcing them into shallower waters where they are more likely to be caught.

terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Ocean acidification changes nitrogen cycling in world seas

cienceDaily (2010-12-20) -- Increasing acidity in the sea's waters may fundamentally change how nitrogen is cycled in them, say marine scientists. Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients in the oceans. All organisms, from tiny microbes to blue whales, use nitrogen to make proteins and other important compounds.

full article:

sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010

Cloud 'feedback' affects global climate and warming

ScienceDaily (Dec. 10, 2010) — Changes in clouds will amplify the warming of the planet due to human activities, according to a breakthrough study by a Texas A&M University researcher.

Andrew Dessler, a professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, says that warming due to increases in greenhouse gases will cause clouds to trap more heat, which will lead to additional warming. This process is known as the "cloud feedback" and is predicted to be responsible for a significant portion of the warming over the next century.
Dessler used measurements from the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument onboard NASA's Terra satellite to calculate the amount of energy trapped by clouds as the climate varied over the last decade. He also used meteorological analyses provided by NASA's Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) and by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010

'No fish left behind' approach leaves Earth with nowhere left to fish, study finds

ScienceDaily (2010-12-02) -- Earth has run out of room to expand fisheries, according to a new study that charts the systematic expansion of industrialized fisheries.

sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

UK sets up Chagos Islands marine reserve

The UK government has created the world's largest marine reserve around the Chagos Islands.
By Paul Rincon 
Science reporter, BBC News
Conservationists say the area is a biodiversity hotspot
The reserve would cover a 545,000-sq-km area around the Indian Ocean archipelago, regarded as one of the world's richest marine ecosystems.
This will include an area where commercial fishing will be banned.
But islanders, who were evicted to make way for the US air base on the island of Diego Garcia, say a reserve would effectively bar them from returning.
UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband said establishing the reserve would "double the global coverage of the world's oceans under protection".
He commented: "Its creation is a major step forward for protecting the oceans, not just around BIOT [British Indian Ocean Territory] itself, but also throughout the world.
"This measure is a further demonstration of how the UK takes its international environmental responsibilities seriously."
Conservationists say the combination of tropical islands, unspoiled coral reefs and adjacent oceanic abyss makes the area a biodiversity hotspot of global importance.
The archipelago, which has been compared to the Galapagos Islands and to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, hosts the world's biggest living coral structure - the Great Chagos Bank. This is home to more than 220 coral species - almost half the recorded species of the entire Indian Ocean, and more than 1,000 species of reef fish.

sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

Busy microbial world discovered in deepest ocean crust ever explored

ScienceDaily (Nov. 19, 2010) — The first study to ever explore biological activity in the deepest layer of ocean crust has found bacteria with a remarkable range of capabilities, including eating hydrocarbons and natural gas, and "fixing" or storing carbon.

The research, just published in the journal PLoS One, showed that a significant number and amount of bacterial forms were present, even in temperatures near the boiling point of water.
"This is a new ecosystem that almost no one has ever explored," said Martin Fisk, a professor in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. "We expected some bacterial forms, but the long list of biological functions that are taking place so deep beneath the Earth is surprising."
Oceanic crust covers about 70 percent of the surface of the Earth and its geology has been explored to some extent, but practically nothing is known about its biology -- partly because it's difficult and expensive, and partly because most researchers had assumed not all that much was going on.

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Heat stress to Caribbean corals in 2005 worst on record; Caribbean reef ecosystems may not survive repeated stress

NOAA diver with a one square meter quadrat examining a bleached reef (Montastraea) colony in St. Croix, USVI in Oct., 2005. (Credit: NOAA)
ScienceDaily (Nov. 16, 2010) — Coral reefs suffered record losses as a consequence of high ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean in 2005 according to the most comprehensive documentation of basin-scale bleaching to date. Collaborators from 22 countries report that more than 80 percent of surveyed corals bleached and over 40 percent of the total surveyed died, making this the most severe bleaching event ever recorded in the basin.
The study appears in PLoS ONE, an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication.

Satellite-based tools from NOAA's Coral Reef Watch Program guided site selection for field observations conducted across the greater Caribbean region from June to October 2005. Field surveys of bleaching and mortality in this study surpass prior efforts in both detail and extent.
This study also substantially raised the standards for documenting the effects of bleaching and for testing satellite and forecast products. Coral bleaching occurs when stress causes corals to expel their symbiotic algae, or zooxanthellae. If prolonged or particularly severe, it may result in coral death.
"Heat stress during the 2005 event exceeded any observed in the Caribbean in the prior 20 years, and regionally-averaged temperatures were the warmest in at least 150 years," said C. Mark Eakin, Ph.D., coordinator of NOAA's Coral Reef Watch Program. "This severe, widespread bleaching and mortality will undoubtedly have long-term consequences for reef ecosystems, and events like this are likely to become more common as the climate warms."
continue at the link above for

sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010

New ocean acidification study shows added danger to already struggling coral reefs

Ocean acidification could compromise the successful fertilization, larval settlement and survivorship of Elkhorn corals, new research reveals. (Credit: Evan D'Alessandro, University of Miami)
ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2010) — Over the next century, recruitment of new corals could drop by 73 percent, as rising carbon dioxide levels turn the oceans more acidic, suggests a new study led by scientists at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. The research findings reveal a new danger to the already threatened Caribbean and Florida reef Elkhorn corals.

Oceanography researchers discover toxic algae in open water

Microscopic image of Pseudo-nitzschia. (Credit: Image courtesy of Ross Del Rio)
ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2010) — Louisiana State University's Sibel Bargu, along with her former graduate student Ana Garcia, from the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences in LSU's School of the Coast & Environment, has discovered toxic algae in vast, remote regions of the open ocean for the first time.
The findings were published in the Nov. 8 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS).
Harmful algal blooms, or HABs, are reported as increasing both geographically and in frequency along populated coastlines. Bargu's research shows that the ubiquitous diatom Pseudo-nitzschia -- an alga that produces the neurotoxin, domoic acid, or DA, in coastal regions -- actually also produces DA at many locations in the open Pacific. The presence of these potent toxins in deep water environments is worrisome, given that in coastal waters, where the phenomenon has been studied, DA can enter the food chain, forcing the closure of some fisheries and poisoning marine mammals and birds that feed on the contaminated fish. The main concern, though, is that the adding of iron to ocean waters -- one of the most commonly proposed strategies to reduce global warming -- appears now to likely result in promoting toxic blooms in the ocean.

sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2010

Extreme global warming in the ancient past

The image shows the the scientific drilling ship JOIDES Resolution docked in Hobart, Tasmania. (Credit: John Beck, IODP)
ScienceDaily (Nov. 11, 2010) — Variations in atmosphere carbon dioxide around 40 million years ago were tightly coupled to changes in global temperature, according to new findings published in the journal Science. The study was led by scientists at Utrecht University, working with colleagues at the NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and the University of Southampton.

"We found a close correspondence between carbon dioxide levels and sea surface temperature over the whole period, suggesting that increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere played a major role in global warming during the MECO," said Bohaty.
The researchers consider it likely that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during the MECO resulted in increased global temperatures, rather than vice versa, arguing that the increase in carbon dioxide played the lead role.
"The change in carbon dioxide 40 million years ago was too large to have been the result of temperature change and associated feedbacks," said co-lead author Peter Bijl of Utrecht University. "Such a large change in carbon dioxide certainly provides a plausible explanation for the changes in Earth's temperature."

full article at:

quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010

: New Report: Reducing Carbon Dioxide to 350 ppm Is Necessary to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

: New Report: Reducing Carbon Dioxide to 350 ppm Is Necessary to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

TIANJIN, China— Reducing carbon dioxide levels to 350 parts per million (ppm) in the Earth’s atmosphere is a necessary, viable step toward preventing catastrophic effects from global climate change, according to a new report. “Not Just a Number: Achieving a CO2 Concentration of 350 ppm or Less to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Impacts” was prepared by the Center for Biological Diversity to coincide with the international climate talks that opened this week in Tianjin, China.

“Climate change is happening much more quickly than predicted. Even seen in the most optimistic light, pledges made last year in Copenhagen would still lead to unacceptably dangerous levels of CO2 and set off a disastrous chain of events. We have to do better,” said Matt Vespa, a Center attorney and one of the report’s lead authors. “To preserve a planet resembling the one we rely on today, we must reduce atmospheric CO2 to less than 350 ppm. It’s an ambitious goal, but also crucial and achievable.”

Current CO2 levels are about 392 parts per million. Scientists predict that if changes aren’t made soon, it will be impossible to avoid some of the worst effects of global warming, including rising ocean levels, more extreme weather events, water shortages, accelerated species loss and disrupted economies and food supplies.

quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010

Regional sea temperature rise and coral bleaching event in Western Caribbean

ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2010) — The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's Bocas del Toro Research Station and Galeta Point Marine Laboratory are reporting an anomalous sea temperature rise and a major coral bleaching event in the western Caribbean.

Dying Sponges: Abnormal sea temperatures not only affect corals, but also affect other reef organisms like these sponges. (Credit: Arcadio Castillo)
Although the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued an advisory in July announcing above-average sea surface temperatures in the wider Caribbean region, there had been no clear indication of increased sea temperatures in Panama and the western Caribbean until late August-early September.
Scientists and local dive operators first noticed coral bleaching in the waters surrounding Isla Colon in Panama's Bocas del Toro province in July. Smithsonian staff scientist Nancy Knowlton and colleagues documented an extensive bleaching event in late September. Station personnel recorded an extreme sea water temperature of 32 degrees C. Normal temperatures at this time of year are closer to 28 degrees C. This warming event currently affects the entire Caribbean coast of Panama from Kuna-Yala to Bocas del Toro and has also been reported at sites in Costa Rica.

terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

Whale Poop Pumps Up Ocean Health

ScienceDaily (Oct. 11, 2010) — Whale feces -- should you be forced to consider such matters -- probably conjures images of, well, whale-scale hunks of crud, heavy lumps that sink to the bottom. But most whales actually deposit waste that floats at the surface of the ocean, "very liquidy, a flocculent plume," says University of Vermont whale biologist, Joe Roman.

A conceptual model of the whale pump. In the common concept of the biological pump, zooplankton feed in the euphotic zone and export nutrients via sinking fecal pellets, and vertical migration. Fish typically release nutrients at the same depth at which they feed. Excretion for marine mammals, tethered to the surface for respiration, is expected to be shallower in the water column than where they feed. (Credit: Peter Roopnarine, Joe Roman, James J. McCarthy. The Whale Pump: Marine Mammals Enhance Primary Productivity in a Coastal Basin. PLoS ONE, 2010; 5 (10): e13255 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013255)

quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010

Climate change affects horseshoe crab numbers

ScienceDaily (2010-10-04) -- Having survived for more than 400 million years, the horseshoe crab is now under threat -- primarily due to overharvest and habitat destruction. However, climatic changes may also play a role, according to a new study.

Horseshoe crab. (Credit: Photo: University of Gothenburg)

Full article at

domingo, 3 de outubro de 2010

World's rivers in 'crisis state', report finds

Keep in mind that the water from rivers goes to the world´s oceans.

ScienceDaily (2010-10-01) -- The world's rivers, the single largest renewable water resource for humans and a crucible of aquatic biodiversity, are in a crisis of ominous proportions, according to a new global analysis.

sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010

How Does Toxic Mercury Get into Fish?

How fish gets toxic mercury !

The article below from WHOI has been sent to you by

How Does Toxic Mercury Get into Fish?

Most everyone has heard by now that we should limit our consumption of certain fish because they accumulate high levels of toxic mercury. But nobody—not even scientists—knows how that toxic mercury gets into the ocean in the first place.

Here’s the mystery: Most of the mercury that enters the ocean from sources on land or air is just the element mercury, a form that poses little danger because living things can get rid of it quickly. The kind of mercury that accumulates to toxic levels in fish is called monomethylmercury, or simply methylmercury, because it has a methyl group, CH3, attached to the mercury atom.

The problem is that we don’t know where methylmercury comes from. Not nearly enough of it enters the ocean to account for the amounts we find in fish. Somewhere, somehow, something in the ocean itself is converting relatively harmless mercury into the much more dangerous methylated form. (See interactive of the mercury cycle.)

That’s the puzzle Carl Lamborg, a biogeochemist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), is trying to solve. Lamborg got hooked on mercury as a master’s degree student at the University of Michigan and then pursued his Ph.D. at the University of Connecticut with Bill Fitzgerald, one of the foremost experts on mercury in the ocean. Fitzgerald, who was the third student to graduate from the MIT/WHOI Joint Program and the first in chemical oceanography, devoted his career to mercury after seeing photographs in the 1970s of people poisoned by methylmercury dumped from a chemical plant into Minamata Bay, Japan. In one famous picture, originally published in Life magazine, a woman cradles her teenage daughter, who had been deformed by prenatal exposure to methylmercury. (The photographer, W. Eugene Smith, later withdrew this and other searing photos from public display at the request of the subjects and their families.)

Minamata Bay was one of the worst cases ever of methylmercury poisoning, but sadly, it was not unique.

“There was a lot of mercury dumped back in the day when folks were not sensitive to what was going on,” said Lamborg. “The buzzword that people use for that is ‘legacy mercury.’ Coastal sediments tend to be really elevated in mercury that was dumped there 30, 40, 50, 100 years ago as a result of some industry. And that might still be in play, because there’s worms and shellfish and things living in the mud, and they’re always sort of stirring it up.”

The big question
At Minamata Bay, the source of the methylmercury was clear. We also know the source of most of the elemental mercury in the ocean. Some comes from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions. About two-thirds comes from human activities. The biggest single source is the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, which releases 40 tons of mercury a year into the air in the United States alone. From there, rainfall washes the mercury into the ocean.

We also discharge mercury-laden industrial effluents directly into rivers or the ocean. This is not just a scourge of modern life; Lamborg said a mercury mine in Slovenia has been dumping its wastewater into the Gulf of Trieste since Roman times.

But even large discharges such as that wouldn’t pose a major threat to human health if the mercury were not converted to methylmercury, which diffuses into phytoplankton and then passes up the food chain in ever-accumulating quantities. Large predator fish such as tuna, for example, contain about 100 million times as much methylmercury as the water surrounding them.

“Something like a shellfish, which is a filter feeder, that’s very close to the bottom of the food chain, is generally not as high in methylmercury as something like a tuna or a mackerel or swordfish or striped bass—all the fish, actually, that we really like to eat,” Lamborg said.

So where and how does the conversion of mercury to methylmercury take place? Lamborg said the process is probably biotic—done by living things. Beyond that, our knowledge is sketchy. We know that fish don’t methylate mercury, and phytoplankton and zooplankton probably don’t either.

However, some species of bacteria do produce methylmercury, as a byproduct of their respiration. This has been observed in bacteria living in seafloor sediments along coasts and on continental shelves. It might also occur in deep-ocean sediments, but no one has looked there yet.

In lieu of oxygen
A few centimeters down into the sediment, there’s so little oxygen that microbes living there must use anaerobic respiration. One common means is a chemical reaction called sulfate reduction, in which they use sulfate (SO42-) in surrounding seawater for respiration and excrete sulfide (S2-) into the water as a waste product. If seawater in porous spaces within the sediment also contains a lot of mercury, the stage is set for the production of methylmercury.

That’s because sulfide helps mercury get into cells. Most forms of mercury can’t pass through a cell membrane because they are bound to large molecules or because they carry a charge. But when positively charged mercury ions (Hg+2), the most common form of mercury in the ocean, meets negatively charged sulfide, the two bond. The resulting compound, HgS, is small and uncharged—just right to be able to pass into microbial cells.

Once inside, the mercury gets methylated. Scientists haven’t yet discovered the chemical reactions involved in this conversion, but soon after HgS enters bacterial cells, the cells release methylmercury. Some of the methylmercury diffuses out of the sediments into the open water. There, it is taken up by phytoplankton to begin its journey up the food chain.

But how much of the methylmercury made by bacteria in sediments finds its way into the water above? Is that the only source of the methylmercury that turns fish toxic?

Lamborg is skeptical of that idea. He thinks there has to be another source of methylmercury adding to the oceanic total.

“What I’ve been chewing on is the possibility that a lot of methylmercury is actually coming from within the water itself,” he said.

A mercury-rich layer of the ocean
Lamborg has found that there’s a layer of water in the ocean, between 100 and 400 meters thick, that contains high levels of methylmercury. It occurs at midwater depths—from 100 to 1,000 meters below the surface, depending on different locations in the ocean. He’s seen the high methylmercury layer in the relatively isolated Black Sea, the open ocean near the western coast of Africa, and the waters near Bermuda. What’s especially intriguing is that peak levels of methylmercury occur at depths where the amount of oxygen in the water drops sharply.

“This drop in oxygen is caused by all the plankton that are growing closer to the surface,” he said. “When they die, or when they’re eaten by other plankton, those dead cells or the poops of the other plankton sink down and rot. That rotting consumes oxygen.”

It’s possible that, like bacteria in sediments, any bacteria living in low-oxygen areas of the ocean also rely on sulfate for respiration and could be generating methylmercury in the midwater low-oxygen zone.

Lamborg is pursuing that hypothesis, but first he tested another possibility: whether methylmercury in the low-oxygen zone came from higher up in the water. Scientists studying phytoplankton have found that 20 to 40 percent of the mercury inside them is methylated. Lamborg wondered: As the phytoplankton or zooplankton that eat them die, sink, and get degraded, does any of that methylmercury get released back into the water and accumulate in midwater depths?

Catch a falling particle
To find out, Lamborg collected tiny particles that were sinking through the water and tested them for the presence of mercury and methylmercury. He caught the particles in sediment traps—polycarbonate tubes about 3 inches across and 2 feet long, that were suspended from a cable at 60 meters, 150 meters, and 500 meters below the surface.

Before deploying the traps, Lamborg filled each one with particle-free seawater. Then he added extra-salty brine that was so dense that it formed a distinct layer at the bottom of the tube, which traps the particles.

He left the traps in place for four days, then hauled them up and ran the brine through flat, round filters a bit bigger across than a quarter. There’s no doubt when a trap is successful at gathering material, said Lamborg; the fine brown residue left on the filters has an air of rotting fish. “They smell pretty bad,” he said. “It’s not like poop, but it’s definitely ‘eww!’ ”

Lamborg collected sinking particles at several locations during a research cruise across the Atlantic from Brazil to the coast of Namibia in 2007, and brought them back to his lab at WHOI for analysis.

Panning for mercury
To find out how much methylmercury fell into a trap, Lamborg converted all the mercury on the filter to elemental mercury. He then passed the sample over grains of sand that had been coated with gold. Only the mercury sticks to the gold; other chemicals don’t. Then Lamborg heated the gold-mercury amalgam to vaporize the mercury.

“This is the same process that people doing gold mining used to use,” Lamborg said. “You know panning for gold? You would squeeze some mercury in your pan and sluice it around, dump off the sediment, and then you would heat it up and burn off the mercury and leave the gold behind.”

In Lamborg’s version of the process, the gaseous mercury is the valuable product. It gets drawn into wiry Teflon tubes that take it to an atomic fluorescence spectrometer that determines how much mercury was in the sample. On a nearby table, mercury from a parallel sample is run through a gas chromatograph to determine what proportion of it was methylated.

“These are some of the most challenging samples to analyze that I’ve come across, because the samples are very small,” Lamborg said. “There’s very little material. The techniques we’re using can detect methylmercury in the femtomolar range.” One femtomole of methylmercury would be 0.000000000000215 grams per liter of seawater.

The samples contained elemental mercury, but so far, none of the samples from any of the three depths have shown substantial levels of methylmercury. It was present, but at lower levels than are found in phytoplankton—far too little to explain the levels of methylmercury seen in the midwater zone. 

Next steps 
If organisms in surface waters are not the source of methylmercury in the midwater layer, where does that methylmercury come from? Lamborg said it could be made by bacteria in sediments on the continental shelf and released into the water. Currents could sweep these methylmercury-rich waters off the shelves and into the open ocean at depths about the same as the midwater layer. Other researchers are exploring that possibility.

Lamborg, though, favors the notion that methylmercury found in midwaters is being made there, just as it is in sediments, by microbes that are reducing sulfate. He recently started working with microbiologist Tracy Mincer, a colleague in the WHOI Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, to identify the genes that bacteria use to methylate mercury. Their research could identify similar genes to look for in microbes in the low-oxygen midwater zone.

And he’s still interested in those sinking particles and what role they might play. Methylating microbes can’t do their thing unless they have mercury to work with, and Lamborg thinks the particles offer an efficient shuttle service for mercury that enters surface layers of the ocean from the atmosphere, ground water, or rivers.

“Mercury entering the ocean today is reaching that low-oxygen zone somehow,” he said. “These particles are still playing an important role in moving mercury from a part of the ocean where methylation doesn’t occur to a part of the ocean where it does.”

Cherie Winner

This research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Awards for Innovative Research at WHOI.

segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

Planet Earth online: Mosses provide early warning of air pollution

Trajano Paiva saw this story on the Planet Earth online website and thought it might interest you.

Important issue from Planet Earth Online on how mosses can help monitoring air pollution.

Mosses provide early warning of air pollution
First detailed analysis of factors affecting nitrogen in mosses.

sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

To Fertilize, or Not to Fertilize

A Changing Ocean,a Changing Planet

The article below from WHOI has been sent to you by

To Fertilize, or Not to Fertilize

Global warming is “unequivocal,” the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported in November 2007. Human actions—particularly the burning of fossil fuels—have dramatically raised carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading our planet toward “abrupt or irreversible climate changes and impacts,’’ the IPCC said. New, stronger scientific evidence indicates that these impacts may be larger than projected and come sooner than previously expected.

The IPCC, representing scientists from all over the world, shared with Al Gore the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which helped ramp up public and political attention to the urgency of taking action on climate change. Meanwhile, some action has been spurred by a combination of international treaties such as the Kyoto Protocol, national policies, and economic forces. From 2005 to 2006, carbon-emissions trading markets tripled, from $10 billion to $30 billion worldwide.

All this has renewed interest in finding ways not only to reduce carbon dioxide emissions but also to remove excess carbon from the atmosphere and sequester it in land-based “sinks” (such as forests), or in the ocean. That has rekindled a spotlight on the oceans’ role in regulating carbon dioxide and climate on our planet.

In the constant exchange between air and sea, carbon dioxide gas enters the oceans and can turn into other inorganic carbon forms. Atmospheric carbon dioxide, an essential ingredient for photosynthesis, is also used by marine phytoplankton, the microscopic plants that account for about half of all the photosynthesis that occurs on Earth. When these phytoplankton die or are eaten, their organic carbon can sink and be sequestered in the deep sea.

In the 1990s, a scientist named John Martin promulgated the “iron hypothesis,” suggesting that if we add small amounts of iron, an essential nutrient, to certain ocean areas, we might turn up the knob on the oceans’ productivity, producing more phytoplankton and maybe decreasing the level of heat-trapping carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Scientists have tested the iron hypothesis in laboratories and in the field for more than a decade. They have verified that iron can stimulate productivity, but it may not necessarily increase long-term ocean carbon storage. Now several companies are embarking on commercial ventures to fertilize the ocean and sell carbon credits for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

But surely a solution couldn’t be as simple as adding iron “fertilizer” on a large scale to the oceans? Even the most optimistic estimates suggest that ocean iron fertilization could compensate for only a small fraction of total human carbon emissions, and only if we fertilize vast tracts of the ocean. What would be the consequences to ocean ecology and chemistry? Who should regulate and verify an ocean iron fertilization project? Should commercial iron fertilization be allowed to proceed cautiously in a framework of scientific monitoring? Or should it be prohibited given the potential environmental harm and the inherent uncertainties involved in manipulating complex biological systems?

To explore these questions, we set out with a modest goal of bringing together a diverse group of natural and social scientists, policymakers, economists, legal experts, environmental groups, and journalists to spend two days in September 2007 discussing iron, carbon, and plankton in the oceans. We shared what we know about iron’s role in stimulating plankton blooms and increasing ocean carbon storage; about the impacts on the oceans’ ecosystems, chemistry, and circulation; about evidence revealing how the ocean and climate worked in the past; and about computer models that tell us something about how they may operate in the future. We also discussed who might be involved in regulating the high seas, and what economic markets were interested in ocean iron fertilization as a possible method to offset carbon emissions.

We also heard that we don’t understand all of the possible impacts, and we can’t yet predict the full range of consequences of larger-scale ocean iron manipulations. To varying degrees, this is true of all strategies for dealing with climate change: We will have to move forward with uncertainties, whether we simply do nothing or actively pursue some set of strategies.

To make intelligent choices among alternative strategies, we need to assess their likely costs, benefits, and uncertainties. Toward that end, we came together with many different perspectives on what we know and what we would like to know about ocean iron fertilization. We did not come together to approve or disapprove of any particular commercial or research plans. The articles in this volume of Oceanus assemble much of the research and many of the different perspectives on ocean iron fertilization that were presented at our conference.

We hope our conference and this collection of articles shed some light on ocean iron fertilization, an often misunderstood, oversold, and oversensationalized process that has been occurring naturally for millions of years. With new international regulations and public/private partnerships emerging to fund and possibly profit from ocean iron fertilization, the time may be right to pursue a middle ground of longer and larger scientific experiments to improve understanding of ocean iron fertilization and the oceans’ potential for storing carbon.

—Ken Buesseler and Scott Doney,
Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry Department,
and Hauke Kite-Powell, Marine Policy Center,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

Fw: [New post] Ocean acidification in high latitude seas

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 4:57 AM
Subject: [New post] Ocean acidification in high latitude seas

Ocean acidification in high latitude seas

Anne-Marin Nisumaa | 15 September 2010 at 09:57 | Tags: review | Categories: Science | URL:
Rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere and ocean have lead to an anthropogenically induced acidification phenomenon in the surface waters of high latitudes seas. These areas are projected to become persistently undersaturated with respect to aragonite as early as mid-century and seasonal aragonite undersaturation in surface and shallow subsurface waters over the continental shelves of some northern polar seas has already been observed. Calcifying marine organisms, including pteropods, foraminifers, cold-water corals, sea urchins, mollusks, and coralline algae that could be susceptible to reduced calcification rates under increasing ocean acidity make up significant components of the diverse ecosystems in high latitudes seas. Over the next decades, trends of rising temperatures and species invasions coupled with progressive ocean acidification are expected to increasingly influence both planktonic and benthic marine communities of Antarctica and the Arctic. In commercially important regions, like the benthic fisheries of the Bering Sea this trend could have dramatic consequences. The rate and magnitude of these changes illustrate the urgent need for expanded efforts in ocean acidification research and monitoring in polar and subpolar regions. Read more of this post
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[Shared Post] EPOCA: investigating the impacts of carbon dioxide on our oceans

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EPOCA: investigating the impacts of carbon dioxide on our oceans

Anne-Marin Nisumaa | 15 September 2010 at 09:48 | Categories: Projects | URL:
Several recent policy briefs and information packs (e.g. the 'Monaco declaration', and a European Science Foundation policy briefing document) have drawn attention to the impacts of carbon dioxide on our oceans – a problem that is still largely unknown to policy-makers and the general public. Indeed, few people are aware of the potential consequences of [...]
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Fw: [New post] Rob Dunbar: The threat of ocean acidification (video)

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Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:08 AM
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WPI 2000 FILMES Ltda.
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Trajano Paiva / dir. fotografia

segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010

[Shared Post] Our changing world: The acid test: a feature on ocean acidification (audio)

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Our changing world: The acid test: a feature on ocean acidification (audio)

Anne-Marin Nisumaa | 13 September 2010 at 11:20 | Categories: Media coverage | URL:
with Alison Ballance, Ruth Beran & Veronika Meduna Increasing carbon dioxide is making the world's oceans more acidic; what does this mean for marine life? (duration: 43′22″) In this special feature on ocean acidification, producer and diver Alison Ballance finds that coral reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef pictured here, are already experiencing the [...]
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sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010

The Oceans and The Phytoplankton, as Base of the Food chain

The dead sea: Global warming blamed for 40 per cent decline in the ocean's phytoplankton

Micoscopic life crucial to the marine food chain is dying out. The consequences could be catastrophic

By Steve Connor
Science Editor
Thursday, 29 July 2010

 large bloom of phytoplankton - which has been described as 'the basis of life in the oceans' - floating in the north-eastern Atlantic, as seen from space - NASA