sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Widespread floating plastic debris found in the western North Atlantic Ocean

ScienceDaily (2010-08-20) -- Despite growing awareness of the problem of plastic pollution in the world's oceans, little solid scientific information existed to illustrate the nature and scope of the issue. Now, a team of researchers has published a study of plastic marine debris based on data collected over 22 years by undergraduate students.

sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010

Gulf Update from Grande Isle, LA - Kieran Suckling Executive Director

Deep blue oceans spawn fewer tropical storms - 18 August 2010 - New Scientist

Deep blue oceans spawn fewer tropical storms - 18 August 2010 - New Scientist

Great Barrier Reef's great-grandmother is unearthed - environment - 19 August 2010 - New Scientist

Great Barrier Reef's great-grandmother is unearthed - environment - 19 August 2010 - New Scientist

Climate Change News: Indonesia Coral - Impacts of hotter water temperatures

Climate Change News: Indonesia Coral - Impacts of hotter water temperatures

ScientificAmerican.com: Meet the Microbes Eating the Gulf Oil Spill [Slide Show]

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Meet the Microbes Eating the Gulf Oil Spill [Slide Show]

A biological process that consumes oil from spills.

By David Biello
These microscopic life forms are blooming as a result of the oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico from the Macondo 252 deep-sea well


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terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2010

Massive coral mortality following bleaching in Indonesia


ScienceDaily (2010-08-17) -- Initial field observations indicate that a dramatic rise in the surface temperature in Indonesian waters has resulted in a large-scale bleaching event that has devastated coral populations.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Cancer Killer Found In The Ocean -- Marine Biotechnologists Treat Cancer With Mud-loving Ocean Bacteria

Biomedicine scientists identified and sequenced the genes of a bacteria called Salinispora tropica. It produces anti-cancer compounds and can be found in ocean sediments off the Bahamas. A product called salinosporamide A has shown promise treating a bone marrow cancer called multiple myeloma, as well as solid tumors.
